Wednesday 11 July 2007

Rest of 1st week

So the end of the week I got to see Spamalot on the West End, Mary Beth was supposed to come too but it conflicted with her class and we couldn't sell both the tickets, but I still had a lot of fun because Spamalot is awesome! On the way there I saw a pub called the Samuel Johnson which I freaked out about and on the way back i got to take a pic of the London Eye lit up at night!

So then the next day we finally went into Brighton, which is awesome and I wish I could live here forever. I love seaside towns because the weather is always great and I love the sea.
Here is a picture of the Lanes which are small alleys of shops, I love it cause it makes me think of Diagon Alley.

And here's the pier

The pier includes Horatio's bar which I have not been to but looks very awesome

The crazy sea spray that day. I wasn't paying attention and some got me while standing on the pier, I felt very silly.

Fish and Chips!!! The restaurant we went to claimed to have world famous ones but all their ads had people who were way too happy and frankly creeped me out

I found the section in the bookstore that made me happy!

And here's the picture of me on the pier after I had been splashed with water. It was an awesome day in Brighton.


carinisms said...

so instead of getting sweaty, you just love everything. and what is that suspicious green goo on the side of your fish and chips plate?!

carinisms said...

p.s. if we had a cat we called horatio, we could take him to that bar!

Jean said...


Jean said...

oh and Vote Saxon!

Rhee said...

Shannon, Educate your sister about Mushy Peas! Rhee