Wednesday 11 July 2007

Cheers mates!

So, I have been abroad for almost 3 weeks without sending out emails, pics, or any kind of updates which is just not cool. In my defense the internets here have to go through a proxy that messes up programs like aim, itunes, and picasa which I would have used to make web albums with. So to make up for it I shall post all my adventures to my newly created blog since live journal won't let me upload pics from files, starting with today which will be a bombardment of all my happennings. So...the flight here was normal, cramped and with suspicious food, the movies sucked, I think I watched the Holiday and parts of Wild Hogs. But I got awesome pics out the window!

I was pretty jet lagged but still went into London for the day before having some orientation stuff with ifsa Butler. I left the dinner thing early so I could watch Dr. Who in England because it's awesome!!! The next day we headed to University of Sussex and it's pretty cool here. The first weekend it was torential rains but now it has cleared up and we're having beautiful 65 degree weather. I have a small single room which I love, but which of course has paper thin walls so I get to hear a lot of whats going on with my house mates. My room:
I have no idea how to work the adding pictures to my blog thing so hopefully my layout will improve over time. But overall its great here. The maps they have of campus scared me at first because I thought it was huge and I would get lost but they just have silly maps that exagerate it. Some of the buildings are modern and supposed to look like things, like the library should be an open book which i totally don't see and another building is a camera. When I take pics I shall post them. But back to my happennings, the rest of the first week was just basically settling in. We had orientation where they stressed me out by claiming the classes were so different here and we would have to do so much more work and then it turned out they're exactly like my classes at home. I'm taking a class about Shakespeare's plays and all we do is read articles or plays and then discuss them. It's a class of 8 people so maybe I have to talk a bit more but no drastic change. My teacher is super nice so it's a fun class to be in. I can't believe it will be over next week, and that I have to write a paper for it, boo papers, but tomorrow we're going to see The Merchant of Venice at the Globe so I'm super excited about that. Well that's all the basics of the University I can think of so I think I'll end this post so my next one can be all about adventures!

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